Contact us

Email us

If you have a question about an item in the National Archives collection, please ask us about the collection.
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Call us

Call the National Archives on 02 6212 3600.

Translating and Interpreting Service

If you do not speak English, contact us through the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450.

National Relay Service

If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service:

Our offices 

We have offices in every state and territory.

See our locations for contact details. 

Research help

If you need help finding an item in the national archival collection, ask us a question

We can help you find:

  • immigration and arrival records
  • defence or military service records
  • photographs
  • any other documents that might be in our collection.

International movement records

Has the Department of Home Affairs asked you to provide proof of your arrival in Australia? We can help. See our information on finding international movement records

For government agencies

Do you work for an Australian Government agency? Contact our Agency Service Centre for advice on records, data and information management. 

Freedom of information requests

Freedom of information requests can be made to the National Archives if you are seeking access to records less than 20 years old, which are:

  • created by the National Archives during the course of its business, including administrative records and records detailing the practices of the Archives
  • created by the National Archives which contain your personal information

Visit Access to information under the Freedom of Information Act for more details on making your request.

If the records you are seeking are in the National Archives collection, please ask us about the collection.

Fraud Reporting Hotline

Do you suspect fraud involving the National Archives?

We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to fraud, and we will investigate all reports.

To lodge a report:

  • Call our toll-free Fraud Reporting Hotline on 1800 235 917 and leave a message.
  • Email us at
  • Address all mail to the Fraud Control Officer at: PO Box 4924, Kingston ACT 2604.

Please give us as much information as you can.

Your report will be confidential. You can also choose to be anonymous.

If you choose to include contact details in your message, our National Archives Fraud Control Officer will respond to let you know they received your report. They might ask questions to make sure they understand your statement.