Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the National Archives' website and collection contain the names, images and voices of people who have died.
Some records include terms and views that are not appropriate today. They reflect the period in which they were created and are not the views of the National Archives.
[The first page of the letter has been attached to a backing page with two stamps. The first stamp reads 'SB', with the numbers '29' and '191' written in two boxes. The second stamp reads 'DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR', with the handwritten reference number '35/2867' written inside it.]
[At the bottom of the backing page is a stamp reading '28 AUG 1935', and the typed address 'The Secretary, Department of the Interior, CANBERRA.']
Page One
28th July 1935
Dear Sir,
With refer [reference] to your letter NO: SB 29/191 [underlined] dated 23rd March 1934, I beg to say, that I was involved in certain domestic troubles, so I could not proceed to Australia.
My son died in the prime of his life, leaving me to mourn his irrepairable [sic] loss, then I got entangled in a civil litigation with my brothers & cousin regarding my immoveable property which is still pending. I have stayed for about 17 years in Australia & during that long
(Page three on Back)
[Page number] 2. (Page two)
period I quitted myself as a good citizen.
I am surprised to know that you are not kind enough to grant further extension of my Certificate exempting me from the Dictation Test No: 323.8 issued to me at [illegible - possibly ‘Brisbane’] on 10/10/1921
Taking into consideration, [illegible word crossed out] my long stay at Australia, & the unavoidible [sic] circumstances, which obliged me to stay at [illegible word crossed out] home, I return to request you to great me further extension to a period of a year.
[Page 3]
I beg to add that I am prepared to pay the usual fee fr [for] this extension and would [illegible] the same by m.o. [money order] on hearing from you.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully
Nabi Bux.
S/O [illegible] Bux
Chankidar of Vic [word partially obscured by damage]
Solah [underlined]
Tehsil Nawac
Distt [District] Jullundhur
Punjab Indi [India]
[Left of the signature is an inked fingerprint with the inscription 'Thumb impression of Nabi Baksh']
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