Memo for the Department of External Affairs.

Memo for the Department of External Affairs.
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Memo for the Department of External Affairs.
Memo for the Department of External Affairs.
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[Stamped 'EXTERNAL AFFAIRS', with reference number '08/455' handwritten inside stamp in red ink.]
SUBJECT: [blank space]
[Underlined heading:] Re Ah Pang ex "Eastern." [Handwritten reference number:] (E.A. 08/104)
Between Brisbane and Sydney in company with Mr. Revenue Inspector Donohoe, I examined the Victorian passengers – Chinese – for Melbourne. These included Ah Pang and Ah Sing in possession of Victorian Naturalization Certificates. There was no reason to doubt that Ah Sing was a genuine naturalized Victorian subject. Ah Pang, however, was obviously an imposter. He was a “new chum” without any knowledge of Melbourne or the suburbs. He could speak no word of English but through a Chinese interpreter he intimated that he had worked at East Brighton. Neither Mr. Donohoe or myself had any doubt that the man would require to be returned and the Captain was advised to have a careful watch kept over him on arrival at Sydney.
After the vessel reached Melbourne I was surprised to learn that Ah Pang had in very fair English satisfied the Customs Officer, Mr. Mercer, that he knew Melbourne and East Brighton quite well. He was able to tell him in English that Brighton was to be reached by train and that the water was laid on to the garden in which he had worked.
There was no doubt that between Sydney and Melbourne presumably
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[Stamped 'EXTERNAL AFFAIRS', with reference number '08/455' handwritten inside stamp in red ink.]
Presumably at Sydney, the imposter was withdrawn and a man, possibly sent over from Melbourne, substituted for him.
To avoid a recurrence of this form of deception I suggest that where the slightest doubt exists in the mind of an officer making the first examination, a hand print of the passenger should be at once taken and be remitted by him to the officer at the port of intended disembarkation.
[Handwritten signature:] H A Lewis
8th January, 1908
[Handwritten annotation in black ink:] Approved
[Illegible initials.]
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